


Did you know that boiling and re-boiling milk on a high flame for an extended period of time affects its nutritional content, particularly the proteins and B group (B1, B2, B12) of vitamins? These vitamins evaporate as heat increases. A lot of people are unaware of the fact that consumption of fresh milk is always advisable, and just one boil is enough to retain the nutrients of milk. A recent survey conducted by Research Pacific India reveals that 60 per cent mothers are unaware about the nutrition loss in milk due to boiling. Even after the first boil, they continue boiling it for about seven minutes. If you’re buying milk from the milkman, the ideal way to consume it is to heat it at 100 degrees Celsius for less than 8 to 10 minutes.
Another great solution is to opt for tetra paks. With rampant adulteration and microbial contamination of milk causing varied health risks, the use of aseptic packaging is a boon for the white revolution. Using either UHT (ultra high temperatures) or HTST (high temperature short time), the milk is heated on a prescribed high temperature for only a few seconds and then cooled down and immediate ly aseptically packed in tetra paks. This not only prevents entry of any microbes but also helps retain the nutritional strength of the packaged product. Once you open the tetra pak, refrigerate it and consume the milk within two to five days.Apart from being environmentally friendly, aseptic packaging increases the shelf life of the product, eases its transportation and also prevents adulteration of any sort.There are many myths surrounding tetra paks. We bust a few elementary ones:


Tetra pak milk and dairy products have added preservatives: The use of high heat (75 degrees Celsius for 15-20 sec or 138 degrees Celsius for 23 seconds) helps remove all micro-organisms from the milk including bacterial spores. This process, followed by packaging, is conducted in a sterile con dition. The packing technique further helps prevent spoilage of the milk. All this together aids preservation and hence no additional preservatives are added.


Tetra pak products are not nutritious: Heating on a high temperature for a very short time prevents the loss of most nutrients ­ something that occurs in the conventional method of boiling. Many homemakers repeatedly boil milk for long durations to ensure that all microbes are de stroyed but in doing so, there is in turn a loss of all wa ter-soluble vitamins. This is the reason why aseptically packaged milk and milk products have better nutritive val ue than other forms of bottled milk.


Tetra pak milk needs boiling: Boiling of tetra pak milk is an unnecessary step that causes loss of many B complex vi tamins plus leads to wastage of time and resources. The aseptic packaging involves transferring the UHT treated milk into pre-sterilised packages in a sterile environment, thus there is no risk of contamination and therefore no need to boil the milk before use. You can have it directly or warm it slightly to have it as a hot beverage.


Tetra pak is not suitable for children: With hygienic packaging of unparalleled quality, tetra pak milk is extremely safe for a child’s growth and development. Easy usability, convenient portability, and better nutrient strength ­ all these factors make it a preferred choice for kids.
The Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has confirmed that 70 per cent of the milk available in the country is adulterated with detergent, glucose and skim milk powder. Hence, though we consume milk for its protein and calcium which may be retained post boiling too, tetra pak is an ideal option for packaged milk as it eliminates the chances of adulteration due to its absolutely hygienic process ing and packaging methods.


It’s raining buckets. You theatrically sigh in pretend lament as your heart secretly does cartwheels ­ no exercise today! For those of you who find it hard to reign in the urge to skip rained-out workouts, I’ve got bad news.I am going to suggest ways to lose weight, eat smart and exercise within the four walls of your home. Don’t hate me.It’s all for your own good.
Unless you have a home gym or a place of exercise that doesn’t involve some travel, there will be days where you genuinely won’t be able to make it. But I find that a lot of people use this season as a pretext to get off the health track entirely. Why gain when it rains? Look at it this way: a healthy monsoon means that when the party season rolls around, you are looking smoking hot. Instead of taking a rain check this season, take in the rain checklist instead…



You don’t have to plough slippery streets and negotiate overflowing gutters to get to a nutritionist. Online meal plans as well as online home delivery options abound. Nutritionists have also started online programmes so, after preliminary health checks and blood tests, the meal plan gets delivered straight to your inbox.

If you aren’t going to a nutritionist, do your research online and carefully choose diets that consist of about 25 per cent protein, 10 per cent (good) fats like MUFA, PUFA and Omega-3 and 65 per cent carbs (which includes fruits, vegetables, breads, pastas and the like). Needless to say, your carb intake needs to tip in favour of healthy fruits and vegetables. Check with your doctor that the diet ensures weightloss or maintenance (whatever your aim), and will not affect your general health. Also, don’t forget to monitor your oil and sugar content during the programme: depending on your lipid profile, 2-4 teaspoons of oil a day is all you need to ensure that your low-cal food has both fat and flavour. I’d also advise you to break up any diet you take into smaller meals and eat every two hours. The process of digestion burns calories and smaller meals help keep your body in the digestion mode for longer.

One of the most fun parts about going online though is tracking your progress -there are tons of weight tracker apps out there. But be honest to yourself.


There’s something about the monsoon that heightens the senses and the food cravings with it. Avoid common comfort food traps. While bhujiyas and pakoras are standard monsoon comfort fare, other healthier options also work. Corn-on-the-cob or bhutta is a brilliant and incredibly healthy masala-filled option. Corn-in-a-cup also works. Boiled black chanas, piping hot idlis with yummy sambhar, masala rava idlis, hot masala chai (without tons of sugar), hot soups, boiled peanuts, kebabs, chicken tikka (with low oil), grilled vegetables, dosas, neer dosas, uttapams and upma -all have the ability to satisfy your craving for something fried in the rains.












If you can’t make it for a walk or the gym, you’d be surprised with the kind of workouts DVDs can give you. These may even go one step further, providing that missing bit of variation to your workouts, leading you to exercise mus cles that may not have been active in your regular workouts. Or just climb stairs or jump rope: both are amazingly simple ways to get your heart rate pumping just enough to lose weight.

So there you have it. The no-excuses guide to monsoon fitness. And a no-holds-barred solution to looking your best during the monsoon months.


Not much is known about vitamin B12. People usually aren’t aware of its vital role in keeping the human body together. B12, an integral part of the B complex group of vitamins, is responsible for many things that we take for granted ­ it helps in the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, pushes up our energy levels and keeps lethargy at bay. It is vital in regulating both the nervous and digestive systems, which implies that adequate quantities of this vitamin decrease stress, fight depression and keep the brain from shrinking.

B12 also helps shield you from heart disease by regulating your cholesterol levels and protecting you from high blood pressure and stroke. It is, in addition, crucial to the maintainence of your nails, skin and hair. It also keeps you looking young as it aids in skin cell renewal. Wait, it’s not over yet.

This vital vitamin has a role to play in your body’s metabolism and helps in producing the all-important red blood cells. And when it’s done with that, it moonlights as an anti-cancer superhero, fighting colon, breast, lung and prostate cancer. Phew! Like all things we take for granted, B12 is missed only when its levels drop. Many conditions affect the body’s ability to absorb this vitamin’, ranging from severe anaemia to the thinning of the stomach lining, to diseases that affect the small intestine (celiac disease and Crohn’s disease). Problems with the immune system like lupus or Grave’s disease and heavy drinking also interfere with the way B12 is absorbed by the body.

But all’s not lost. And even if it has, it can easily be regained. 
B12 is abundantly available in many foods like meats, eggs, milk, cheese, certain kinds of fish and liver. For those who don’t eat these, B12 supplements are widely available.

But all’s not lost. And even if it has, it can easily be regained. B12 is abundantly available in many foods like meats, eggs, milk, cheese, certain kinds of fish and liver. For those who don’t eat these, B12 supplements are widely available.

For those with severe B12 deficiency, intramuscular doses is a medically-approved way of compensating the lack of it. The best part about this vitamin though is that it is water-soluble, which means that after the necessary levels get absorbed by the body, the extra amounts are excreted naturally by your body.

But don’t self medicate. You need to check with your doctor before deciding how exactly to tackle a B12 deficiency. Sometimes it could be symptomatic of a larger problem.

If you are feeling chronically tired, get your B12 levels checked. The prescription may be as simple as eating more B12-rich foods or popping a pill.

Vitamins B12 is very important for good immunity, energy, stamina and to prevent hair-loss.

Can’t do without it, and definitely can’t do with too much of it. Salt is a chemical compound called sodium chloride ­ 40 per cent sodium and 60 per cent chloride. Studies recommend that the upper limit of salt for adults is anywhere between 3.75 5 gm (sodium intake between 1.5 2.3 gm per day) which actually measures to just a tsp of salt per day. This is the ideal amount of salt for all healthy adults without high blood pressure, diabetes or cardio-vascular diseases.
Cutting back on added salt is a small way to avoid over consumption. Do remember that you don’t need to add salt to all the food items you are consuming ­ 75 per cent of the salt you eat is already present in everyday food items, like bread, breakfast cereals, ketchup and a lot of canned foods. Fortunately, nutrition labels on most ready made foods indicate the salt content in them. (1 gm sodium = 2.5 gm salt; so if you know how much sodium is present in a food item, you can roughly know the amount of salt it contains). Here’s how you can decode the labels: High salt content: If the salt content is higher than 1.5 gm per 100 gm of the food product, the sodium content mentioned will be 0.6 gm per 100 gm. Low salt content: If the salt content is 0.3 gm for less per 100 gm of the product; equivalent sodium content would be 0.1 gm per 100 gm.
Medium salt content: Foods between high and low figures. e Also note that dis-solvable vitamin supplements and painkillers contain up to one gm of salt per tablet. It would be advisable that you switch to non-effervescent counterparts, especially, if you have been asked to watch your salt intake.

If you binge on foods that are too salty, you feel bloated and puffy hours later. This is be cause eating too much salt causes your body to retain more water, which increases the blood volume. This furthur leads to excess pressure on the blood vessels, thus demanding a lot of hard work from the heart in order to ensure smooth blood flow through the body. This is the main cause for high blood pressure and various heart dis eases. Other metabolic disorders associated with excess sodium intake include osteoporosis, kidney stone, asthma and gastric cancers.
Cheese Pickles Papads Salted nuts Wafers, chips and other savoury farsan Soy sauce Tomato ketchup, mayonnaise and other ready-made sauces Breads Ready-to-eat soups, noodles, pasta
Focus on potassium
Increase in the level of potassium helps lower sodium levels, thus balancing blood pressure positively. Potassium rich foods include fruits like plum, peach, banana, muskmelon, avocados, orange, spinach, prunes, raisins and apricots to name a few.
Increase your water intake
This is the best way to flush out the excess sodium and maintain correct pH balance in the body. Aerated waters, sodas, energy drinks are unfavourable and can easily sabotage your efforts to maintain normal blood pressure.
Rinse canned foods
Vegetables and meat that are packed in brine (salt solution) always increase the salt content in the body.Rinse them to wash away extra salt.
Replace salt with herbs
Instead of reaching out for the salt shaker to add that extra flavour, season your food with citrus juices, herbs and spices.


Celebrity nutritionist and founder of, nudges weight loss in the right direction.

Food is meant to be a good, beautiful, nourishing thing. It gives us strength to do things we love. So why is it that when it comes to losing weight, food becomes bad, like the enemy? Like it’s wrong somehow or that dieters don’t ‘deserve’ to eat? I see so many cases where instead of using nurturing foods, people punish the body with little, tasteless or no food at all in a bid to undo years of unhealthy eating in a matter of weeks or months.

But it cannot be done.

You cannot undo habits overnight that have lead you to gain weight over years. Starvation/fad diets or what I like to call weight loss by punishment, is usually not sustainable and restrictive diets are oftentimes the quickest to see their results negated as the body limps back to pre-diet weight. All that hullabaloo for nothing.

Or is it nothing? Starvation tricks the body into thinking that it is not getting any food. Your body begins to desperately hang on to the first meal you eat, and stores it as fat. Starvation – or low-calorie/fad diets – also make your body lose muscle, and the only thing that muscle loss is accompanied by is fat storage. In other words, even if you starve yourself, the only thing you eventually gain from the attempt is weight. So all that hullabaloo is not for nothing, it’s for something.

No matter how shiny the package or tempting the ad, there is no reason to subscribe to diet food or foods because all foods are essentially diet food, barring a few like red meat. The fat content of food greatly depends on how it is made. If eaten in moderation and cooked with little oil, potatoes are brilliantly healthy. French fries, not so much. As long as you control for sugar and oil, there are very few foods that are off the table.

Second, fat is good. In fact, it’s very good. In fact, it’s so good for you that it is one of the five nutrients – the other four being protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals – your body needs for its daily survival. Fats compose of about 10% of your total calorie intake. Daily. And while a low-fat diet plan is good for you, no-fat diet plans are bad. Fats are needed for the brain, for the body’s daily functioning, for the skin, among other vital functions. A good low-fat diet plan consists of healthy fats like nuts, seeds, healthy oils like olive oil. If you’re confused about where to get good fat-moderated diets, you could ask a nutritionist, or go online (where there are scores of free diets available) or even find one on customized online diet portals like

The point, of course, of any good diet plan is that it should make you feel good, both physiologically and psychologically, and leave you energized and happy.

A good diet plan enables you to healthily indulge in all kinds of foods like rice, mangoes, pasta, noodles, popcorn and more, and won’t make you wistfully stare at your family as they eat ‘normal’ food, because you should always eat together. Eating meals together with friends and family not only gets you closer to them, it takes you closer to your better self too. And that’s really the whole point, isn’t it?