



This year, instead of writing about how to celebrate the love month with your beloved (could be a partner, parent, friend or even a dog). I am going to instead talk about how to love the one person closest to you. Yourself. Corny, yes. Unnecessary , no. Many women treat their bodies —– and their heart, kidney, liver, and lungs —– with little  semblance of self-love. Most are so busy putting the needs of other people — their spouses, careers, kids —- before themselves that they forgot  they are  equally  deserving of the attention. Shower a bit of love on yourself by:


This seems hard when life is overwhelming but it’s  surprisingly easy to balance indulgences with healthfulness. Instead of overloading your system, take care of yourself by eating at home most of the week, and practising portion control when you’re out. Nourish yourself with good quality carbs (including vegetables and fruits), protein (lean meats, quinoa, dal, egg and seafood) and unsaturated fats so that you get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. And avoid things that come in boxes, packets or tins.


Gift yourself better metabolism by eating every two hours. Did you know that apart from walking, jogging or even breathing, digestion is a calorie-burning activity? By breaking up four main meals (breakfast, lunch, teatime snacks, dinner) into eight  small meals (two hours apart), your body burns some of the calories as you eat them, putting your body constantly in the ‘gym’.


Exercise is one of the best way to show yourself you care. Try exercising for an hour a day: walking, jogging, or even aerobic dance, coupled with light weight training. You could break up the hours into 20 or 30 minute blocks in the day.


Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pumps blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. And, it helps the muscles work efficiently. Hydrate your life by drinking water because it helps in the daily functioning of your body, which helps in maintaining its equilibrium.


You can do this by drinking a glass of  vegetables juice every day. Blend three different raw vegetables in a mixie (not a juicer), add half of pulp to a glass, top with water and season. Drink immediately to enjoy a host of wonderful antioxidants that flush out your system of toxins. You’d be doing your body — and your life — a great service.

Remember those `united we stand, di vided we fall’ ads that used to play on DD? Those cute little short films, about the importance of unity? The funda was simple: five fingers by themselves will not be effective unless you close your fingers and make a fist. The same principle works for your body as far as a balanced meal is concerned.

By themselves, the Five Fingers of Weight Loss -proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals -have their own functions. But the various nutrients must act in unison for effective action. In other words, for long-lasting weight loss or weight management, you need to eat all five nutrients. Every day. There is no other way.

The Five Fingers of Weight Loss can further be broken down into three macronutrients (proteins, carbs, fats) and two micronutrients (vitamins, minerals); the reason it is divided this way is because it rep resents the relative importance on your plate.Don’t overload your vitamins at the cost of carbs, or cut fats and go crazy about protein.Too much emphasis as well as the absence of any one nutrient will compromise your health and result in short-term gains ­ sending you right back where you started. Any meal plan that is skewed towards any food group, including proteins or raw veggies,w i l l give rise to a host of medical problems, and will result in a diminishing effect on your system. If you think your diet is unbalanced, it is. You cannot be short-sighted about it as the ills will eventually catch up with you.
On your plate lies the answer to many issues plaguing your life ­ from the mental to the physical. Your plate holds not just fuel for your system, but carries all the tools you need to do more with your body and your life. Because food is not just fuel. Food is power.
Collectively, these five nutrients are your defence against disease, obesity, heart at tacks and almost anything else you need to ward off. Diabetes? Make a fist. Heart disease? Hey, you’ve got your fist. Obesi ty? Talk to the fist, baby! So many dis eases are lifestyle-related and can be eradicated -not just improved -by the rule of the fist.






Ever wondered why you feel bloated and puffy, as though you have gained inches overnight? Do you find that your rings are suddenly too tight on your fingers? Or that just gently pressing your skin leaves dents? And even your shoes don’t seem to fit? These could be symptoms of oedema or water retention.
Most of us retain water, but within normal parameters. Women are more prone to water retention because it is a symptom of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).However, water retention could also be a symptom of kidney disease or heart, liver or thyroid malfunction. So, if you feel you have bloated too much, get yourself checked.

DRINK MORE TO LOSE MORE. To significantly reduce the amount of water being retained by your body ­ drink more water. It’s a bit of a contradiction. Here’s what happens… the more water you drink, the more your body will flush out. This is one of the most effective ways to combat water retention. Ten or 12 glasses a day ought to do the trick.

EAT SMART. Diets low in sodium (avoid table salt, pickle, papad, cheese, butter or processed food), and high in potassium (bananas, peaches, plums, musk melons, raisins) help maintain correct electrolyte balance within the body, preventing puffiness. Diuretic fruits (cranberries, vitamin C-rich oranges, limes and other citrus fruits) along with diuretic vegetables (cucumber, lettuce, celery, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots and peppers) help maintain the correct osmolarity within your cells, preventing them from retaining excess water. Some studies show that vita min B6 tablets (pyridoxine) and primrose oil capsules have the same benefits.

CUT BACK TO LOSE MORE. Additionally, avoiding alcohol and caffeinated beverages, anti-in flammatory drugs and oral contraceptives also help reduce water retention in the body.

GET OUT, GET MOVING. Exercise works wonders. Also, avoid standing for long periods, don’t wear tight clothes and keep your legs raised as and when you can to avoid discomfort.

Did you know that boiling and re-boiling milk on a high flame for an extended period of time affects its nutritional content, particularly the proteins and B group (B1, B2, B12) of vitamins? These vitamins evaporate as heat increases. A lot of people are unaware of the fact that consumption of fresh milk is always advisable, and just one boil is enough to retain the nutrients of milk. A recent survey conducted by Research Pacific India reveals that 60 per cent mothers are unaware about the nutrition loss in milk due to boiling. Even after the first boil, they continue boiling it for about seven minutes. If you’re buying milk from the milkman, the ideal way to consume it is to heat it at 100 degrees Celsius for less than 8 to 10 minutes.
Another great solution is to opt for tetra paks. With rampant adulteration and microbial contamination of milk causing varied health risks, the use of aseptic packaging is a boon for the white revolution. Using either UHT (ultra high temperatures) or HTST (high temperature short time), the milk is heated on a prescribed high temperature for only a few seconds and then cooled down and immediate ly aseptically packed in tetra paks. This not only prevents entry of any microbes but also helps retain the nutritional strength of the packaged product. Once you open the tetra pak, refrigerate it and consume the milk within two to five days.Apart from being environmentally friendly, aseptic packaging increases the shelf life of the product, eases its transportation and also prevents adulteration of any sort.There are many myths surrounding tetra paks. We bust a few elementary ones:


Tetra pak milk and dairy products have added preservatives: The use of high heat (75 degrees Celsius for 15-20 sec or 138 degrees Celsius for 23 seconds) helps remove all micro-organisms from the milk including bacterial spores. This process, followed by packaging, is conducted in a sterile con dition. The packing technique further helps prevent spoilage of the milk. All this together aids preservation and hence no additional preservatives are added.


Tetra pak products are not nutritious: Heating on a high temperature for a very short time prevents the loss of most nutrients ­ something that occurs in the conventional method of boiling. Many homemakers repeatedly boil milk for long durations to ensure that all microbes are de stroyed but in doing so, there is in turn a loss of all wa ter-soluble vitamins. This is the reason why aseptically packaged milk and milk products have better nutritive val ue than other forms of bottled milk.


Tetra pak milk needs boiling: Boiling of tetra pak milk is an unnecessary step that causes loss of many B complex vi tamins plus leads to wastage of time and resources. The aseptic packaging involves transferring the UHT treated milk into pre-sterilised packages in a sterile environment, thus there is no risk of contamination and therefore no need to boil the milk before use. You can have it directly or warm it slightly to have it as a hot beverage.


Tetra pak is not suitable for children: With hygienic packaging of unparalleled quality, tetra pak milk is extremely safe for a child’s growth and development. Easy usability, convenient portability, and better nutrient strength ­ all these factors make it a preferred choice for kids.
The Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has confirmed that 70 per cent of the milk available in the country is adulterated with detergent, glucose and skim milk powder. Hence, though we consume milk for its protein and calcium which may be retained post boiling too, tetra pak is an ideal option for packaged milk as it eliminates the chances of adulteration due to its absolutely hygienic process ing and packaging methods.



Celebrity nutritionist and founder of www.nourishgenie.com, Pooja Makhija weighs in on the easiest way to diet.

Let’s face it. No one likes to diet. If you’re used to getting your four square meals a day, the word ‘diet’ conjures up scenarios of no meals at all, of empty plates or you emerging from the fridge empty-handed, wistful about the old days when you could, quite simply, eat. How about banishing that scenario, and creating a new one where no foods are the enemy, and where being healthier is a lot easier than you think?

The trick is not to eat sparse but eat smart and no, there is absolutely no need to go crazy. Think of your body as a willful child. Or better yet, a hormonal teenager. The more you restrict your intake, the more it will fight back . So here are some weight loss tips that will not only help you reach your goal weight but also help you stay there.

  • Love All, Eat All

The easiest way to diet is to include all foods – or mostly all – but to ensure that they are eaten in moderation and prepared healthfully. On my diets I prescribe pasta, noodles, rice, roti, bread, mangoes – almost everything except a few foods like red meat, for example. In this way, you don’t feel deprived and you resist the urge to play truant. Starvation – or even fad diets – is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Food is the only source of fuel for your body and the best diets consist of a daily consumption of 65% carbs, 25% protein and 10% fats. You can get a general diet online – by calculating your Basal Metabolic Rate online and subtracting 100 calories from it. So if your BMR is 1500 calories, you need to choose a 1400 calorie diet – or even a customized one from www.nourishgenie.com – which obviates the need to meet a nutritionist in person.

  • Eat Every Two Hours

Apart from breathing, eating and sleeping, your body burns calories digesting food. Breaking up your meal plan into smaller meals and eating every two hours ensures that your body is constantly in the ‘gym’, burning more calories through the day than it normally does.

  • Eat Smart

Choose weight loss foods that your body burns more calories to digest than the calories they contain – called negative calorie foods, these include apple, grapefruit, lettuce, for example – as well as include more healthy weight loss foods like egg whites, salmon, leafy greens, beans, legumes, broccoli, sprouts, boiled potatoes, cottage cheese and avocados.

  • Exercise

You don’t have to go mad. Just a daily brisk walk will do but if you find that that’s not quite your cuppa tea and the thought of walking daily bores you to death, you can do aerobics, Zumba, running or whatever gets you moving.

  • Hydrate and Sleep

Drink lots of water and get your Zzzzs in. Both lack of sleep and water have been scientifically proven to derail weight loss efforts so don’t forget to get plenty of rest and fluids to use these weight loss tips well make your weight loss wishes come true.

Can’t do without it, and definitely can’t do with too much of it. Salt is a chemical compound called sodium chloride ­ 40 per cent sodium and 60 per cent chloride. Studies recommend that the upper limit of salt for adults is anywhere between 3.75 5 gm (sodium intake between 1.5 2.3 gm per day) which actually measures to just a tsp of salt per day. This is the ideal amount of salt for all healthy adults without high blood pressure, diabetes or cardio-vascular diseases.
Cutting back on added salt is a small way to avoid over consumption. Do remember that you don’t need to add salt to all the food items you are consuming ­ 75 per cent of the salt you eat is already present in everyday food items, like bread, breakfast cereals, ketchup and a lot of canned foods. Fortunately, nutrition labels on most ready made foods indicate the salt content in them. (1 gm sodium = 2.5 gm salt; so if you know how much sodium is present in a food item, you can roughly know the amount of salt it contains). Here’s how you can decode the labels: High salt content: If the salt content is higher than 1.5 gm per 100 gm of the food product, the sodium content mentioned will be 0.6 gm per 100 gm. Low salt content: If the salt content is 0.3 gm for less per 100 gm of the product; equivalent sodium content would be 0.1 gm per 100 gm.
Medium salt content: Foods between high and low figures. e Also note that dis-solvable vitamin supplements and painkillers contain up to one gm of salt per tablet. It would be advisable that you switch to non-effervescent counterparts, especially, if you have been asked to watch your salt intake.

If you binge on foods that are too salty, you feel bloated and puffy hours later. This is be cause eating too much salt causes your body to retain more water, which increases the blood volume. This furthur leads to excess pressure on the blood vessels, thus demanding a lot of hard work from the heart in order to ensure smooth blood flow through the body. This is the main cause for high blood pressure and various heart dis eases. Other metabolic disorders associated with excess sodium intake include osteoporosis, kidney stone, asthma and gastric cancers.
Cheese Pickles Papads Salted nuts Wafers, chips and other savoury farsan Soy sauce Tomato ketchup, mayonnaise and other ready-made sauces Breads Ready-to-eat soups, noodles, pasta
Focus on potassium
Increase in the level of potassium helps lower sodium levels, thus balancing blood pressure positively. Potassium rich foods include fruits like plum, peach, banana, muskmelon, avocados, orange, spinach, prunes, raisins and apricots to name a few.
Increase your water intake
This is the best way to flush out the excess sodium and maintain correct pH balance in the body. Aerated waters, sodas, energy drinks are unfavourable and can easily sabotage your efforts to maintain normal blood pressure.
Rinse canned foods
Vegetables and meat that are packed in brine (salt solution) always increase the salt content in the body.Rinse them to wash away extra salt.
Replace salt with herbs
Instead of reaching out for the salt shaker to add that extra flavour, season your food with citrus juices, herbs and spices.